How I work with you

Family history

People are often very focused on the current problem and do not realize the problem’s connection to what is going on in the broader family.

When people come to my office, I immediately start gathering a detailed family history. Drawing a family diagram helps track anxiety in the family system.

It is important for me to know as much information as possible about a family system, including as much detail as possible going back at least three generations.

Thinking differently

My ideas about things are often very different. If my thinking is helpful for someone, that is great. If it’s not, they are welcome to seek help elsewhere. 

My way of thinking about human behavior does not change based on the issue that someone presents.

“Feet to the fire”

You are looking for help for your current situation. Doing something uncomfortable is the best way to bring about change. 

I challenge people to lean into the resistance.  

Family connections

I’m interested in finding out the number of family members with whom you are connected. The goal is for you to increase that number. The larger the number, the more manageable life becomes.

Making and maintaining contact with family (and extended family) is one of the most maturing things you can do in life.

Conversely, the more cut-off a person is from family, the more challenges they will encounter in life.

Why wait?

I encourage you to reach out and contact me. I offer a 15-minute free phone consultation.

If what we have discussed resonates with you, we can set up a time to meet to begin our work together.